Japanese Terminology and Definitions Used in Shotokan Karate
As Shotokan karate-do is a Japanese martial art, it is important for all students and practitioners to understand the
terms and basic words used. Many techniques and expressions can have more than one name or word to describe them,
which can be confusing, but in the Japanese language they are often different ways to express the same word.
Japanese Words Everyone Misunderstands in Karate
Karate can be tricky. Just like Medicine has Latin and Mathematics has numbers, Karate has Japanese. Unfortunately,
many people are confused by the Japanese words in Karate. But if you don’t understand the terminology of Karate, you cannot
learn or teach it optimally. Hopefully, this helps you understand Karate better.
Uke - Misunderstood meaning: “Block.” Real meaning: “Receive.” Explanation: The word “uke” comes from the Japanese word
“ukeru”, which means “to receive.” But for some reason, the Western world has interpreted this as “to block.”
This misunderstanding is detrimental to your advancement in higher levels of Karate and doesn’t reflect
the original intent of Karate’s defensive moves. Shift your mindset from “blocking” to “receiving”. Your entire perception
of how to apply Karate against a bigger or stronger opponent will change. Now you’re relying more on technique, and less on
brute force.
Ki - Misunderstood meaning: “Magic super power.” Real meaning: “Energy.” Explanation: The concept of “ki” (spelled
“chi” or “qi” in Chinese) has gotten a bad reputation since McDojo charlatans started using it as an excuse to brainwash students
into believing they had supernatural martial abilities – like the no-touch KO. But it’s really nothing new. “Ki” – or “energy”
as we call it in English – is what life is made up of. It constantly flows through your body, your surroundings, the wind, water,
earth and sun. According to the laws of physics, you cannot create it or destroy it, only transferred to other objects or convert
into different forms (kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, electrical energy etc…). Humans have been cultivating it
for as long as we have been on earth. “Ki” is a beautiful thing – especially when you manifest it using the body mechanics of
Karate. After all, Karate is all about efficient energy management.
Sensei - Misunderstood meaning: “Karate instructor.” Real meaning: “One who has come before in life.” Explanation: The word
“sensei” consists of two parts: The first is “sen”, which means “before”. The second is “sei”, which means “life”.
In other words, a “sensei” is someone who is ahead of you in the journey of life. That’s why a sensei is not just a person who
instructs Karate techniques. A sensei is your mentor. Your life coach. Your sensei can help you bridge the gap between self-protection
and self-perfection. Because ultimately, the Way of Karate is the Way of Life. Your sensei knows this, because he/she has walked the
path himself and is ready to guide you on the journey. The question is, are you ready to follow?
Bunkai - Misunderstood meaning: “Practical application of kata.” Real meaning: “To break down.” Explanation: Many Karate people
like to use kata techniques for self-defense.
After all, that was their original intent. We usually call this aspect of Karate training “bunkai.” But in reality, “bunkai”
means to “to break down” – not “practical application of kata.” “Bunkai” is actually just the first step of applying kata for practical
self-defense. After you “break down” the kata, you need to analyze the pieces and put it back together in the right context. For most
people, it seems the word “bunkai” represents this whole process though.
Dojo - Misunderstood meaning: “Karate studio.” Real meaning: “The place of the Way.” Explanation: Many instructors teach Karate in
gyms, dance studios, community centers or other venues not dedicated solely to Karate. But… no matter where you teach/learn Karate,
that place is your “dojo.” This holds true for all traditional Japanese martial arts. And the word “dojo” is deeper than most people think:
“Do” means “Way”
“Jo” means “Place”
In other words, a “dojo” is a place where you embark on the journey to self-discovery – through the means of Karate training.
The “dojo” is a Place where you are guided on the Way, by someone who has “come before” ( = “sensei”), using Karate as tool for
transmitting the knowledge necessary to spark personal progress. Not just a “Karate studio.”
Kiai - Misunderstood meaning: “Battle scream.” Real meaning: “Unified energy.” Explanation: Sometimes it seems people scream “kiai”
for the sake of screaming. But “kiai” is not about screaming. It’s not about exercising your vocal chords.
"Ki" literally means energy.
"Ai" literally means to unify.
This helps explains what the purpose of kiai truly is. Unifying the total energy of your mind, body and technique ("shin-gi-tai"),
in a split-second moment of intense culmination. Kiai is an essential expression of your unification within your self.
Rei - Misunderstood meaning: Bow. Real meaning: Respect. Explanation: Karate contains a lot of Japanese etiquette and culture.
One of the most important things is the bow – commonly known as "rei.” The word rei comes from the Japanese word reigi, which means
respect, courtesy, manners. But the bow seems to have lost much of it’s respectful intention these days, especially when you look at
people who compete in kumite. It looks more like a sloppy head nod. Rei is an integral part of dojo etiquette. It’s a physical manifestation
of your gratitude for those helping you on the Way. That’s why we bow to both the dojo itself, as well as the people in it.
Often we say “onegaishimasu” at the same time too. Without respect, you cannot progress in Karate. Karate begins and ends with the bow.
Kumite - Misunderstood meaning: "Sparring/fighting." Real meaning: "Entangled hands." Explanation: The modern concept of "kumite"
has lost much of it’s essence. When you look at the way we practice kumite today, it seems like a game of tag. Distant, jerky and disconnected.
But the original intent of Karate’s two person combative exchange was very different. You see, the word “kumite” actually means
"entangled" or "intertwined." The concept of entangling/intertwining arms with your opponent sounds like you’re at a much closer distance,
doesn’t it? Interestingly enough, if you look at the way old masters taught Karate, it was often close distance. The combination of grabbing
your opponent while delivering strikes, kicks, punches, knees, elbows, joint locks and takedowns was simply much more practical than our
modern interpretation of kumite. Of course, this all changed when Karate was modernized and we started competing. What used to be a great
fighting technique can now get you disqualified.
Osu/Oss - Misunderstood meanings: "hi", "hello", "goodbye", "okay", "thanks", "excuse me", "hey there", "come here", "go there",
"what’s up", "look at me", "do it this way", "that way", "do you understand?", "I understand” and “train harder." Real meaning: A rough,
masculine Japanese cultural expression that many Westerners abuse. Explanation: First of all, you should know that "Osu/Oss" is a very touchy
subject. Second, the correct spelling is “Osu”. But since the “u” is silent, some people think it’s spelled “Oss.” Third, no matter how you
want to spell it, you should understand that “Oss/Osu” expresses a very strong assertiveness, masculinity and “let’s-kick-butt” spirit in
Japanese. It’s not a word you should use carelessly. For example, you should never say it to a Japanese person unless he is younger than you,
lower in rank, or wants you to say it. And if you’re a woman, don’t say it at all. Japanese society is hierarchical and strict with proper
etiquette when it comes to language.
Numbers 1-20
- 1 - Ichi
- 2 - Ni
- 3 - San
- 4 - Shi
- 5 - Go
- 6 - Roku
- 7 - Shichi
- 8 - Hachi
- 9 - Ku
- 10 - Jyu
- 11 - Jyu Ichi
- 12 - Jyu Ni
- 13 - Jyu San
- 14 - Jyu Shi
- 15 - Jyu Go
- 16 - Jyu Roku
- 17 - Jyu Shichi
- 18 - Jyu Hachi
- 19 - Jyu Ku
- 20 - Nijyu
General Terms
Budo - Way of combat
Bunkai - To break down (interpretation) of kata techniques
Dan - Level
Do - Way
Dojo - School, training room or hall (the place of the way)
Seiza - traditional Japanese kneeling (sitting on your heels)
Agura - 胡坐, sitting cross-legged
Domo Arigato - Thank you
Domo Arigato Gozaimashita - Thank you very much
Embusen - Floor pattern/performance line of a kata
Gi - Uniform
Gohon Kumite - Five-step sparring
Hiki Te - Withdrawing hand, pulling in block
Ippon Kumite - One-step sparring
Jiyyu Ippon Kumite - Semi-free one-step sparring
Jiyyu Kumite - Free Sparring
Karate - Empty Hand
Karate Do - The Way of Karate (Empty Hand)
Karateka - Practitioner of Karate
Ki - Energy
Kiai - Spirit shout/focus of spiritual energy
The Way of Hara - The area between the navel and the top of the pubic bone
Kime - Focusing, concentration and power
Kihon - Fundamentals
Kohai - Junior student
Kyu - Rank
Kumite - Entangled hands
Maai - Distance
Mawate - Turn around, or about face
Mokuso - Meditate
Naote - Relax
Obi - Belt
Usu - I understand and will try my best. Also used to show
respect and enthusiasm (let's kick but spirit)
Sanbon Kumite - Three-step sparring
Sempai - Senior student
Sensei - Instructor (one who has come before in life)
Shihan - Master
Shotokan - 'House of Shoto'; pen name of Gichin Funakoshi
Major Concepts
Zanshin - Awareness; Following through a technique while maintaining awareness
Sen No Sen -Attacking at the same moment your opponent attacks
Sen Sen No Sen - Attacking before your opponent attacks (a preemptive attack)
Go No Sen - Allowing your opponent to attack first for counter attacks
Jiga - Know oneself
Tiga - Know one's opponent
Muga - Know nothing, just do
Shorin - Light & quick, with rapid motions to the front and back
Shorei - Emphasises development of physical strength, muscular power and forcefullness
Body Parts
Ashi - Leg
Ashikubi - Ankle
Atama - Head
Chudan - Mid-level
Empi (Also Hiji) - Elbow
Ensho - Back of the heel
Gedan - Lower level (groin)
Heisoku - Top (Instep) of the foot
Hiza (Also Hitsui) - Knee
Ippon Ken - Single-point index-finger fist
Jiku Ashi - Pivot leg
Jodan - Head level
Kaishu - Open hand
Kakato - Shoulder
Ken - Fist
Koshi - Ball of the foot
Naiwan - Back of arm
Sokuto - Outer edge (knife) of the foot
Tate Ken - Vertical fist
Te - Hand
Teisho - Palm heel
Teisoku - Bottom of the foot
Tekubi - Wrist
Tsumasaki - Toe tips
Ude - Forearm
Wan - Arm
Age-Te - Hands up (cover position)
Hajime - Begin
Mawate - Turn around
Naore - Return to Shizen-tai
Narande - Line up
Otaigai Ni - Face towards each other
Rei - Bow, respect
Seiretsu - Line up by rank
Seiza - Kneel
Sensei Ni - Face towards the teacher
Shomen Ni - Face towards the front
Yame - Stop
Yasume - Relax (or ready position)
Yoi - Get ready
Age - Rising
Gyaku - Reverse
Hidari - Left
Mae - Front
Mawashi - Round
Migi - Right
Otoshi - Dropping
Sokumen - Side
Soto - Outer
Tate - Vertical
Tobi - Jump
Uchi - Inner
Ushiro - Back
Yoko - Side
Tai Sabaki - Whole body movement, or repositioning
Tsuki Waza (Punching techniques)
Age Tsuki - Rising punch
Awase Tsuki - 'U' punch
Choku Tsuki - Straight punch
Gyaku Tsuki - Reverse punch
Ippon Ken Tsuki - One-knuckle fist punch (Hangetsu)
Kagi Tsuki - Hook punch
Kizami Tsuki - Jab
Mawashi Tsuki - Round house punch
Morote Shita Tsuki - Augmented upper inverted punch
Morote Tsuki - Parallel punch
Ni Jodan Shita Tsuki - Double inverted upper punch
Ni Yoko Chudan Tsuki - Double middle side punch
Oi Tsuki - Lunge punch
Oi Tsuki Maeude Hine - Lunge punch with turning forearm
Oi-Gyaku Tsuki - Lunging reverse punch
Otoshi tsuki - Dropping punch (Empi)
Ren Tsuki - Double punch
San Tsuki - Triple punch
Shita Tsuki - Inverted punch
Ura Tsuki - Close punch
Yama Tsuki - Wide 'U' (Mountain) punch
Yoko Tsuki - Side punch
Uchi Waza (Striking techniques)
Age Nihon Nukite - Two finger spear hand strike
Empi Uchi - Elbow strike
Gyaku Haito Uchi - Reverse backfist strike
Haishu Uchi - Back hand strike
Haito Uchi - Back fist strike
Hiraken Uchi - Foreknuckle strike
Hiza Age Ate - Rising knee strike
Hiza Geri - Knee strike
Ippon ken - One knuckle strike
Ippon Nukite Uchi - Single finger strike
Koko Uchi - Tiger mouth strike
Kumade Uchi - Bear claw strike
Mae Empi Uchi - Front elbow strike
Mawashi Empi Uchi - Round elbow strike
Nakadaka Ippon Ken - One knuckle strike
Nihon Nukite Uchi - Two finger strike
Nukite Zuki - Spear hand strike
Shuto Uchi - Knife hand strike
Shuto Zuki - Sword hand strike
Soto Shuto Uchi - Outside knife hand strike
Soto Uke - Forearm strike
Tate Empi Uchi - Upward elbow strike
Tate Mawashi Uchi - Vertical roundhouse strike
Teisho Uchi - Palm heel strike
Tetsui Zuki - Hammer fist strike
Uchi Shuto Uchi - Inside knife hand strike
Uraken Uchi - Back fist strike
Washide Uchi - Eagle beak strike (Gojushiho Dai)
Yoko Empi Uchi - Side elbow strike
Yoko Mawashi Empi - Side roundhouse elbow strike
Geri Waza (Kicking techniques)
Ashi-Barai - Foot sweep
Fumikomi Geri - Stomping kick
Hiza Geri - Knee kick/strike
Mae Geri - Front kick
Mae Geri Keage - Front snap kick
Mae Geri Kekomi - Front trust kick
Mawashi Geri - Round kick
Mika Zuki Geri - Crescent kick
Ni Mae Geri - Double front kick
Nidan Geri - Double kick
Soto Mikazuki Geri - Outside crescent kick
Tobi Geri - Flying (Jump) kick
Uchi Mikazuki Geri - Inside crescent kick
Ushiro Geri - Back thrust kick
Yoko Geri Keage - Side snap kick
Yoko Geri Kekomi - Side thrust kick
Uke Waza (Blocking/Receiving techniques)
Age Uke - Rising block
Awase Shuto Age Uke - Combined rising knife-hand block
Empi Uke - Elbow block
Gassho Uke - Double palm heel block
Gedan-Barai - Down block
Haishu Uke - Back hand block
Haiwan Nagashi Uke - Sweeping back-arm block
Juji Uke - X block
Kakiwaki Uke - Reverse wedge block
Kosa Uke - Cross block
Manji Uke - Hi/low block
Morote Uke - Augmented inside-outward block
Nagashi Uke - Sweeping block
Ni Jodan Uke - Double rising block
Osae Uke - Pressing block
Otoshi Uke - Dropping or falling block
Ryowan Uchi Uke - Double inside block
Shuto Uke - Knife block
Sokumen Awase Uke - Side combined block
Soto Ude Uke - Outside forearm block
Soto Uke - Inward middle block
Sukui Uke - Scooping block
Tate Shuto Uchi Uke - Vertical inside outward sword hand block
Tate Shuto Uke - Vertical knife-hand block
Te Nagashi Uke - Sweeping hand block (parry)
Teisho Oshi Uke - Pressing palm heel block
Tetsui Zuki - Hammer fist
Tsukami Uke - Grasping block
Uchi Otoshi - Falling block
Uchi Ude Uke - Inside forearm block
Uchi Uke - Inside-outward block
Yoko Uchi Barai - Side sweeping block
Dachi Waza (Stances)
Fudo Dachi - Fighting (rooted) stance
Hachiji Dachi - Open-legged stance (Yoi)
Heiko Dachi - Parallel stance
Hangetsu Dachi - Wide hour-glass stance
Heisoku Dachi - Formal attention stance (Yoi)
Hidari Ashi Dachi - Left legged stance
Hidari Ashi Orishiku - Left leg kneeling
Kamae - Posture (Yoi)
Kiba Dachi - Straddle (Horse) stance
Kokutsu Dachi - Back stance
Kosa Dachi - Cross-legged stance
Migi Ashi Dachi - Right legged stance
Migi Ashi Orishiku - Right leg kneeling
Musubi Dachi - Informal attention stance (feet in a 'V')
Neko-Ashi Dachi - Cat stance
Renoji Dachi - 'L' stance
Sanchin Dachi - Hour-glass stance
Shizentai - Soto hachiji-dachi - (Natural posture with both
fists positioned in front of the hips)
Teiji Dachi - T stance
Zenkutsu Dachi - Front stance
Shirasagiashi-Dachi - Crane or One-legged stance
Katas (English Interpretation)
Heian Shodan - Peaceful Mind First Level
Heian Nidan - Peaceful Mind Second Level
Heian Sandan - Peaceful Mind Third Level
Heian Yodan - Peaceful Mind Fourth Level
Heian Godan - Peaceful Mind Fifth Level
Bassai Dai - To Penetrate or Storm the Fortress Major
Bassai Sho - To Penetrate or Storm the Fortres Minor
Hangetsu - Half Moon or Crescent Moon
Tekki Shodan - Iron Horse First Level or Horse Riding First
Tekki Nidan - Iron Horse First Level or Horse Riding Second
Tekki Sandan - Iron Horse First Level or Horse Riding Third
Kanku Dai - Viewing The Sky Major or To Look At The Sky Major
Kanku Sho - Viewing The Sky Minor or To Look At The Sky Minor
Jion - Originated And Named After "Jionji" (literally "Jion
Temple") in China
Jiin - Temple Grounds
Empi - The Flight Of A Swallow or Flying Swallow
Gankaku - Crane Standing On A Rock
Wankan - King's Crown or Crown of Kings
Meikyo - Brightly Polished Mirror
Sochin - Strength And Calmness. Also, Immovable In The Face Of
Niju Shiho - The Name Is Derived from The 24 Foot Moves In The
Chinte - Extra-ordinary (Strange/Unusual) Hands, Chinese Hands
Unsu - Cloud Hands or Hands In The Sky
Gojushiho Dai - 54 Steps Major
Gojushiho Sho - 54 Steps Minor
Sanchin - 'Three Battles Sequence' (Goju Ryu Kata)
Bo Katas
Nagayoshi-No-Kon Bo
Sakugawa-No-Kon Sho
Sakugawa-No-Kon Dai